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Pre-Production Blog

We had our pre-production meeting on 2/15/2021 and it starts about 7pm and lasts 2 hours. Our group member includes me, Haoran, Yi and Shiwei.

We first decided 4 topics we will be covering after switching opinions each other's character: independence, responsibility, emotionally dependent, and significance in film industry. Each one will last 4 to 6 minutes. We will have two speakers for each topic, that means each one of us will talk in two different segments. For the topic of independence, I will be covering how Thor represent this traditional masculinity and Yi will speak about how Captain Marvel shows women can also be independent from others. Our second topic, responsibility, will be covered by Haoran and Shiwei. They will focus on how Iron Man and Captain America shows their responsibility as superheroes when being on the opposite sides of another. In our third segment, Haoran and I will be explaining why being emotionally dependent is a good masculinity and Iron Man and Thor has these traits. Lastly, Shiwei and Yi will talked about Captain America and Captain Marvel as the ideal role model for male and female and how they show influence the gender role in our society.

Jiasheng(Leo) Zhu

  • host of the podcast, speaks in every segment

  • Speaks in segment 1, 3

Yi Jiang

  • Speaks in segment 1, 4

  • Identifies 3 images that can be used on microsite

Haoran Jiang

  • speaks in segment 2,3

  • edit final podcast and collecting possible resources might be used in the podcast.

Shiwei Hu

  • speaks in segments 2, 4

  • Edit the wix website.

We then choose the roles want to be during this production. I will be main host and will also be responsible for all the transitioning within and outside one topic. Yi and Shiwei will have more jobs at creating the microsite. Haoran will be the one to edit our final podcast and insert some audios when needed. For the way to record, we all agree that we should be in one zoom meeting and Haoran will be the one to record it.

We have set our first recording session to be at Wednesday 7pm, and we will be doing it every night until we finalize our podcast.

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